Scout promise and laws

Scout Promise

I solemnly declare upon my honor that I will know the ten laws of God's old Covenant (Exodus 20:1-17) as well as the Scout Law so as to leave this world a little better than I found it because this is the will of God, Baden-Powell and I.

Scout Laws

1. The Scout prays that God may help him to cultivate a feeling of kindness for his fellows.

2. The Scout is courageous, patient and perseverant (CPP) when facing life's difficulties.

3. The Scout overcomes his problems by whistling a scout song.

4. The Scout makes many friends regardless of their nationality.

5. The Scout is honest and sincere to his superiors and his fellows.

6. The Scout appreciates the Creator's work and respects life and nature.

7. The Scout obeys his parents and superiors with docility and joy.

8. The Scout must do one good deed a day (GD) for his fellows.

9. The Scout is thrifty because he needs to save for food ans lodging.

10. The Scout is committed to ask Jesus to help him keep his promise. br>
Once a Scout, always a Scout! Word of Baden-Powell

Author: Donald G. Plourde
Text inspired from Baden-Powell's book: Pathfinders