"Donald Ployerie"

(Menu A)

This pancake called “ploye”, which can be folded or rolled up, is prepared with tartarian buckwheat flour (black wheat) which originated in Central Asia, is gluten free and very rich in protein. It contains all the essential amino-acids for maintaining a good health as well as vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, E and minerals salts, magnesium, potassium, calcium, copper, iron, phosphorus. This flour is highly nutritious, rich in soluble fibers and anti-oxidant compounds. So, it is an ideal health food for the preparation of this delicious buckwheat “ployes” with a taste of hazelnut you will certainly appreciate. However, due to the addition of other ingredients in its preparation, the "ploye" contains gluten. But I am in the process of developing a "ploye" without gluten which will be avalable soon. The “ploye” is unique to the Legendary Republic of Madawaska.

Here is a health menu where only purified water by osmosis or distilled water is used in preparing and cooking the “ployes”.

Breakfast “Ploye”
“Ployes”: butter, maple syrup, Grandma’s molasses, cretons

Egg Ploye
Scrambled egg in a delicious folded “ploye”
Extra: bacon, maple syrup, bacon baked beans

Soup of the day
Buckwheat, pea served with two “ployes”

Old Style Meals
Indian stew
Chicken stew
Meatballs stew (beef and pork)
Beef and potato fricassee
Baked beans
Extra: Slice of meat pie
Served with 2 “ployes”

"Brayon" Meals
Salmon or hambergersteak béchamel sauce served on mashed potatoes

Ploye Assortment

Vegetable Ploye
Choices: mushroom, asparagus, broccoli, fiddleheads
Folded and served with béchamel or Alfredo sauce
Extra: au gratin

Seafood Ploye
Lobster, scallops, shrimps
Folded and served with béchamel or Alfredo sauce
Extra: au gratin

Seafood “ploye” and your choice of vegetables
Extra: au gratin

Dessert Ploye
Choice of wild fruits: strawberry, raspberry, blueberry or fruit salad
Extra: whipped cream, maple syrup

Ploye Delight
Served with frozen yogurt and your choice of wild fruits in the center, seeping into the ploye giving it a delicious flavor you will appreciate
Extra: whipped cream or maple syrup

Coffee, purified water, tea, herbal tea, milk, juice, soft drinks
Service: over the counter or table service

Donald G. Plourde
©All rights reserved


“Ploye” recipe

One day, through a happy set of circumstances, I found out that, since the beginning of the legendary Republic of Madawaska, “World Capital of the “Ploye”’s colonization, the millers, through ignorance, extract the bran from the flour during the buckwheat milling process. The bran, which is a major component of the buckwheat grain, is the seed coat inside the hull and is used as animal feed (pork). So, I learned from the Internet only a few years ago, that bran is recognized by some health specialists as a first quality ingredient in the maintenance of good health. Subsequently, I thought and decided to improve the nutritional value of this buckwheat flour, which is already known as a high quality ingredient, by adding a reasonable quantity of bran to the flour used in my recipe. You will have the opportunity to taste this recipe at the Donald Ployerie. Accordingly, following the elaboration of this menu and the new recipe, I have proclaimed myself, the “Republic King of the ploye”.

So, here is the King of the “ploye's” recipe used at the Donald Ployerie”

1 cup of buckwheat flour
1/2 cup unbleached-enriched flour
A certain quantity of buckwheat bran
1/2 teaspoon of salt
Mix in 1 1/2 cups of warm water
Add 1 1/2 cups of hot (not boiling) water. Mix well.
Add 1 heaping teaspoon of baking powder and stir.
Let stand 15 minutes.
Pour approximately 1/3 cup of the mixture without spreading, into a pre-heated (350F - 375F) cast iron or Teflon pan.
This “ploye” is cooked 2 to 3 minutes and it’s not flipped.
Stir the mixture once in a while.
This recipe will produce approximately 12 delicious 7 inches “ployes”


Author, Donald G. Plourde
®All rights reserved