Answers about the Historical Pantheon of World Boxing

In Home

1. What year is written under our couples photo?
Answer : 2010 / 2007 / 2005

In Induction

2. How many classifications are there?
Answer : 7 / 6 / 5

In Biography

3. What date is written on the Boxer Tribute Day for Yvon Durelle parchment?
Answer : June 21st 2005 / July 23rd 2005 / October 1st 2005

In Store

4. What is the distinction (classification) written on the certificate for my induction to the historical Pantheon?
Answer : Quartz / Crystal / Pearl

In 50/50 Lottery

5. What initials are written on the Old Fashioned Meal Ployerie logo that is on the lottery certificate?
Answer : BP / DP / YP

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